Slowakische Kassettensite mit allen Einlegern
Thank you for your reply,
on Agfa it seems to be quite complicated sometimes, but besides the mentioned transparent Color, I found another case just about here:
Where it looks like the red version is marked Made in Germany, but the green one has a different shell and is not Made in Germany. I got the audio cassette as used and someone swapped the tape for a chrome dioxide one, so I can't even figure out what ferro tape was in there before.

To the unknown Carrefour Italy one, I would also add Datatex Italy:
Some pre-recorded MC audiotapes in Slovakia had a similar shell, and identical hubs to the Datatex mentioned

Profigold, of course! thank you! I forgot about Socimag, which I have one in my collection.

Basf and Daiso/Panggung, I'll know more and provide details after opening then.
Of course the numbers will be listed on my site after the update.

But as I looked up the Basf country numbers according to your guides on the forum and also on Tapeheads, I was very surprised how many basic Basf ferro's were made in countries other than Germany.

Regards EZ
Basf LH I opened
serial number:
I would like to gradually add EAN and Model codes of each audio cassette to the website.
Would this be useful and graphically acceptable?
Test file on Maxell UR test:

I'm thinking that EAN could be indexed by google, which would make it easier to search, and Model code would in turn make an overview between versions marked with a letter like L, K etc. which will be beneficial especially for Japanese model versions.

Regards EZ
Hi! The product codes sometimes make sense, when they point to a certain line-up or region. But I would not use "UR EU 90" or similar as spacers for models which don't have a certain code.

With the EAN codes, you could group them into sections like 49 02580 40201 3, which makes it easier to find relevant information:

49 - Japan (but it doesn't tell the cassette is for Japan market or made in Japan; it's just the country where the selling company has registered the code)
02580 - Maxell
40201 - UR 46 for EU and some other markets (the code was used for both the 1986 and the 1988 line-up)
3 - check digit

Maxell seems to hold a 5-digit company code (02580), allowing 5-digit product numbers. Smaller companies can have 6 or 7 digits for the company code, allowing a smaller number of different products, but probably cheaper to hold the license.

For the 12-digit UPC codes, I don't know the system, but it should be similar with a company code left of the middle, and a product number plus a check digit right of the middle.

Thank you for your reply!

I was only putting UR EU 90 to fill space, it's just a test file, but realistically I would like to overwrite the marking that is often given on the side of the pack on the foil. I'll have to look it up on my photos.
If there isn't any, I'll probably leave it blank. I was mainly after aesthetics on the page and an opinion on whether it can be there, or if I'd rather not have it there at all.

In the future, I'd like to somehow add pictures of the aforementioned sides of the audiotapes, but I don't know how to do that yet to make it at least somewhat pleasing.

Regards EZ
Ok, I understand. Aesthetically it works fine for me; just consider dividing the EAN codes into blocks, like I mentioned above.

As for including pictures of the sides of sealed cassettes, maybe you could do it in a similar way like our colleague here does it with his VHS collection?

I understand, I'll figure it out somehow.
I'm a bit worried about indexing, but in the end it's not that important.
But I don't know when it will happen. Time is a very critical value for me.
I've had about 30 cassettes here for two weeks now and I can't find the time to get it ready for the web.
In doing so there is also maybe the first existing chromdioxide basf.

Time is the most valuable resource we have, and life is about so much more than cassettes... so I fully understand you!

The first existing BASF Chromdioxid was introduced at the 1971 radio exhibition (Funkausstellung) and then sold in the grey KK8 library/mailing boxes only. The boxes were sealed with a foil bearing the same design which was printed onto paper j-cards for regular snap pack boxes about a year later.

On this page, you can see the first official Chrome line-up from BASF:

Or do you have an even earlier one, a prototype or similar? One thing there is, sometimes the C-120's came with one of the shell halves made in clear plastic and without labels. These were mainly for demonstrating the then new SM tape guides. First picture in this posting:
(The other side looks exactly as the regular black ones with silver labels; only that the screws are on side 1 instead of side 2 as on all other German BASF cassettes of that time.)

Best regads
It's going to work every day and then just being tired and doing the bare necessities. A short break at the weekend and it passes very quickly, so not much gets done unless I dedicate 100% of my free time to it.

Yes it will be the Basf on the link, the C60 version, it has no foil but looks unused, apparently the foil has come apart as is usual.
I was thinking of the half transparent one, but I guess it will be very rare, probably only C120?
I've already told my dealer but he said he doesn't know about it yet, I've sent him pictures from the internet so we'll see.
Maybe by the end of the weekend I'll provide at least a preview of the audiocassettes, which are waiting here.
There will also be something from ICM, Dessauer and many Japanese ones.
I will add, my Basf chromdioxide is in the classic black case, not the book version.

Regards EZ
Never mind, the later version with standard case and j-card is really nice, too! And the cassettes themselves are almost the same (despite some minor shell construction updates over the years, and the Compact Cassette logo moving from the silver part on the right to the coloured stripes at the bottom of the labels at some point).

I'm not really sure if all the half-transparent ones are C-120, but the (few) ones I have seen so far were all in this length. It could very well be that they only chose C-120 for this special version, because it features the third SM part, the brake spring on top, which the C-60 and C-90 didn't have at that time.

Looking forward to see your updates, but there's no hurry, enjoy your Sunday!

Update 06/2023, it will be ready in 2-3 weeks, I don't know when I will be able to do it

first picture of the audiotapes:
Sony HF 20 Made in Thailand, tape not said
Sony UX-Pro USA market, is my first UX-Pro that is assembled in Mexico Big Grin
Sony CD-IT Normal, USA market, is fully Made in Japan, no Mexico, no USA, so the tape will be safe
Maxell Metal-XS is the Japanese version of the famous MX-S, so I will put it together with the MX-S, top proven quality, price 88eur? that's a very bad situation indeed....
Daiso 80 is Panggung (Maxell) Indonesia, like last time C10
TDK AE 10 and 150 contain Japanese tape but are assembled in Thailand, with the older one it's understandable, with the newer one I always rely on the fact that nobody but the Japanese knew how to make C150 tape
TDK CDing-I Japanese versions, proven AD tape quality in all models
Axia PS1 even when new and too design-wise modern, it is always top Japanese quality cassette and tape
Axia A1 120, transparent foil package, probably from a multi-pack, but fully Japanese production

second picture of the audio cassettes:
Scotch chrome Made in USA, Positrack backcoating
Basf chrome dioxide is the world's first chrome Basf year 1971 (as we discussed above)
Fisher (Sanyo) is probably with Denon DX1 tape, but I can't place the year as the 1982 versions were in translucent foils, this one is maybe newer or different market?
Dessauer, both sides of the package cover the cassette, so I'll be surprised.
The Chord-X is an ICM, the model for the French market, it is a chrome dioxide, you may already know from my site the ferro version in blue packaging
Smat CR is an alternative to SKC CD, so chromdioxide, but this brand is very varied and very incomplete in the collections on the internet, so there are a lot of unknown versions and packaging designs
Made in China: TCK, LWY, Certron HD, Magnetics
Sony EF is a fake Smile
The other Certron is Made in Mexico, but very dirty packaging, there are some dead insects inside, I'll be afraid to unwrap

My biggest MD load so far, besides the proven Japanese quality we have Victor Made in Korea again.
Axia MDs are another collector's goal fulfilled for me, there are I still need Axia VHS and Axia CD
The Daiso MDs are nice, but it says Made in Taiwan, except for one which is Made in Japan.
I don't know who made MDs in Taiwan, maybe some manufacturer of other optical media, of which there were many

maybe after a long time I will finally take the trouble to add CD media, besides collecting it is a good way to record on tape
Although I don't expect extra quality, everything looks like Taiwanese production, including Maxell Colour and Verbatim Colour

Regards EZ

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Fisher: I don't know the year either, but the cassette itself looks like it's still that same Sanyo shell as the other Fisher cassettes.

Chord-X: Probably Italian market, because it belonged to the Superpila brand, which was an Italian battery company.

Old Certron: Why not open it outside in fresh air? Or, if still too risky, put it into the freezer for a day before you open it? :-)

Progress working on the update, today I opened the audiotapes and MD. But the road is still long.
Photos of an unknown life form (no longer alive thankfully Big Grin ) in a Certron High Energy Gamma cassette.

More info, the Maxell Metal-XS Japan was manufactured in 1991.
Smat CR does not contain the SKC CD tape, but the QX FeCo tape.
Sony CD-IT Normal for the US market, includes a complete cassette in the Sony CDix Japan design with trimmed edges and redesigned tape routing.
The Sony UX-Pro USA contains a "presumably" Japanese UX-Pro tape, but it is the first UX-Pro in the world that does not have a GuideBlock and the shell is lightweight plastic as with the CD-IT series, or Metal-XR/SR. No High Density Shell. Weight difference compared to the 1997 EU UX-Pro is very large in feel.

Next procedure in 1-2weeks.

Regards EZ

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Work in progress...

I have published a Maxell UR test file with EAN codes separated by recommendations.
MODEL: the codes are mainly for Japanese models, for European and American it's just "maxell UR xx" which are listed on the foils, but I'll leave that for a future purpose (if my intention doesn't fall into dust like the grey "link" on the audiocassettes details.)

Instead of details, for years I have been gradually working on texts and photos on the Slovak forum, where I have been linking to the relevant audiocassettes, at that time I was mainly focusing on C46 and C120 audiocassettes of all manufacturers.
You can use a translator, or look at the large number of photos, which I don't even have on my site. The plan was to have links on my page to each existing audiocassette separately, but it's difficult and I've tried it in the past to implement it at TDK D.
But so far there are no updates.
I can see this taking many years of work, but as I always write to everyone in messages and emails, time is a big scarcity.

Please post any errors or incorrect links, incorrect texts and information to me here in the thread. I'll correct it as I go along.

Sincerely EZ
the update is ready
New cassettes for the my website, they will be up in a few weeks in a new update.

Bush - China, UK Market
Fuji DR-I - SKC Korea
Maxell UDXL - first version 1974/75
Philips - Belgium, different labels on the cassette from the version already on the web
Sony CD-IT USA High Bias - Japanese Tape (Sony UX), Assembled in Mexico, this version is safe (I will clarify after unpacking if this is not true)
TDK CDing 1 46 - Tape Japan, Assembled in Thailand
TDK CDing-II 54 - full Japan

Daiso Zebra series - who wouldn't want to have pink zebras on an audio cassette? Big Grin

First time I see on a Daiso for the Japanese market that there is a Basf tape listed.

On the back it says Tape Made in Germany, Assembled in Singapore

Regards EZ

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These Zebra tapes are indeed a rare combination at the Japanese market. My examples look like General Magnetics shells with BASF tape, yours are probably the same.

Philips: That was a very short-lived transition version with the design of the older SQ*I on the labels and (slightly modified) inlay, but with the new name EQ*I, and they used to come already in the red or blue wrappers for the new designed regular EQ*I models. I bought them around 1988.

The Bush SF is probably a typical Forward/Greencorp thing.

Fuji: It would be interesting which market region that one was made for. Probably US, but not sure. In Western Europe, we had DR, and next step was already DR-Ix. A letter in a small circle near the bar code could help you to determine the market: They had E for Europe, J for Japan and U for USA there, maybe more letters for other regions. Technically I bet it's the same SKM tape as one of our DR-Ix.

Through the little transparent bit at the back of the Zebra you can really see the GMS shell, but the hubs look like the old Basf/ICM

Fuji is market USA

But I'm interested in a theory, Fuji in their catalogues always list for the basic DR, DRIx the Purre-Ferrix tape, which is genuine Japanese Fuji tape, but the picture always shows SKM, or Saehan cartridges, could that be a mistake, or a scam, or were they stuffing their own Fuji tapes into the C-0?

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Thanks! Yes, could be US or South American market (Spanish!). Strange that the little U in white circle is missing.

Pure Ferrix, even though a marketing term from Fuji dating back to the 70's (first Fuji FX), literally means nothing else than ferric tape without cobalt or other magic ingredients. Just plain rust and a binder :-) So I see no problem printing the same marketing term onto cooking ferric tapes they had OEM made by others.

These DR, DR-I and DR-Ix from the late 80'S and onwards have been supplied by lots of 3rd party companies, and I think neither SKM nor Saehan wound Fuji pancakes into them. I also have a DR-Ix which is a Sony HF, tape and shell. They also exist as genuine Fuji made versions, at least a bit into the 1990's, but these are much rarer than the OEM versions.

Fuji tape in Korean shells might have happened with the higher models that had double coated tape; but I'm not sure there either, because there are no hints like "Tape made in Japan" on those either.

I'm slowly getting used to the fact that one cassette can be very many versions with very small differences in details.
I am both happy and not happy Big Grin
If I cover as many differences and details as possible on the site that's great.
But if I have a small financial budget for a particular month and my dealer picks Bush, Fuji DR SKC and Philips with a different label and one extra expensive Maxell, I'm sometimes disappointed, but I'll take it for the sake of the web, otherwise I'd get some cassettes I would never have bought Big Grin

I do put emphasis on the exact names of the magnetic layers, even if it is basic iron oxide, just because of the origin. So it looks like PureFerrix is a Japanese base tape from Fuji and SKC and Saehan base tape is quite a bit more different.
I'm seeing similar things on Maxell, TDK and Sony.

Please, I didn't understand exactly the part where you write about DR-Ix and Sony tape. I mean, do you have the DR-Ix from Sony? Will you provide some pictures?

I've recently been comparing the differences in tapes and found a complete match between Sony EF 60 1992 and Saehan ME/MD 60 tape, for example.

Regards EZ
Hi! Here are some pictures of a clearly Sony-made Fuji DR-Ix:


Some very Sonyesque details: The leader tape, and the code on the sticker sheet. The E in a circle, a Fuji code for EU market, is also there on the inlay:


Into the Sony-made strage case, they have even engraved a Fuji logo. And I bet that "0689" at the end of the Product Number (PN) on the inlay means that it was first printed in June 1989:


I have also made scans which I will send you for your web site as soon as I have managed to edit them.

Concerning Sony I know about some Super EF and FX I which were made by Saehan. For such low price cassettes, they often didn't bother to change the descriptions on the wrapper or inlay when they had some batches OEM made by some other company. 3M did that even with the Scotch XS II, when they switched from Denon to SKM and kept the text and graphs describing a double layer tape (DX7), which the SKM tape definitely wasn't...

Best regards
Wow! Big Grin I'm struggling with the English translation that I got it wrong, but the truth is that it exists exactly as I got it right Big Grin
Really, the world of audiotapes never ceases to amaze me.
Thank you for the pictures!

Tomorrow I need to record a Megavox audiotape
I'm going to write a long description about it on the Slovak forum, but I don't know anything about this cassette. I searched here on the forum, I found information Permaton brand, shell Schneider? Tape Basf, Agfa?
Will that be correct? Then I'll add it to the website as well.

I only have the Scotch XSII from Denon, I've been avoiding SKM offers, but maybe I'll buy it later. So I'd be surprised if I could find descriptions of double-layer tape there Big Grin
Or SKC QX is dual layer, bottom magnetic FeCo, TOP layer lapping heads Big Grin Smile

By the way I was recording a Sony EF from a 1996 vintage and I suspect a dark tape that looks like a UX type II, is that possible? I've come across this before with the FX model.

Regards EZ
Hi! Yes, Megavox was a second brand from Permaton around 1992-93. They were available at different stores like Quelle and Porst/Interdiscount, so it was not a classic OEM for an in-house brand. You can also see it in the EAN code, Megavox uses the same company code 06125 as Permaton. The item code in the EAN is also interesting: Permaton Cr S II 90 has 01190, the Megavox Cr S II 90 has 31190. This works for all Megavox cassettes; they keep the item code for the corresponding Permaton model, only exchanging the leading 0 for a 3.

The strange thing about the Megavox shell is that its inside architecture and thickness (it's a quite heavy cassette) look and feel rather like a 1970's or early 80's construction. But the first time I have seen this clearly ICM-Turbo-inspired shell was in 1992 with such a Megavox cassette. Also later the only other cassettes I could find with this shell were from the last line-up of Permaton, also from the early 90's. So it's a quite rare shell, and not as light-weight as you would expect from a 90's cassette.

I am not dead sure about who made the shell. My first guess was Schneider, but now I am considering Knosti as a more likely alternative. Compare with this earlier Permaton cassette that has a Knosti shell:

The tape could be any pure chrome that was available. Agfa didn't exist any more, so we have BASF, SKM, Oosterhout and maybe even Dessau as possibilities. Zonal? Greencorp? Hmm. When I recorded my first Megavox Cr-S II in 1992, it was straight new out of the box, so no chrome aging yet, and I noticed it was not up to the standards of a BASF Chrome Extra II: It saturated at lower levels, and there were a few drop-outs, but otherwise it was still a good chome tape. Actuallly it behaved quite similar to the Dessauer ChromaTape in turquoise design, which I happened to buy at the same time in the same Quelle shop, but the tape surfaces looked different.

There is a thick white coating on my Megavox tape that rubs off on the heads like paint off a wall.
It lacks the aroma typical of chromdioxides, but at first glance it looks like old Agfa with the white coating.

The aforementioned Dessauer in turquoise, didn't I add it to the site recently?

I can't tell Zonal from other chromdioxides, the others don't either, apart from GreenCorp, the Australian ones under Philips look quite different, no aroma, but they don't show the white coating or any other problems
I get angry at GreenCorp for the ferro tapes, where there is currently a very common case of binder collapse and tape sticking.

The shell mentioned, I know from this tape:
but where I changed the composition of the chromdioxide to FeCo, the tape was dark brown with confirmed partial transparency of the magnetic layer

Regards EZ
That Elite cassette (in-house brand of Kaufhof department stores) was also assembled by Permaton, around 1893-85, and yes, it has the same Knosti shell as the Permaton I linked above.

I also agree about the tape. In the early to mid 1980's, Permaton was often using a FeCo which at first glance looks dark grey as an Agfa CrO2, but the light test tells it's a FeCo. It started with the Chromdioxid Super around 1980, and could soon also be found in other models like Chrom Plus, Chrom II and Chrom Super II. I have no idea who made this tape - the closest match would be Magnex Studio 2, which is also a dark grey FeCo with a MOL almost as low as a basic CrO2, but the surface structure seems different to me. Later 80's Permaton type II cassettes had CrO2 tapes again, some of them were on par with BASF CR-E II and even CR-S II. It must have been one of the latter that received the test result "good" in October 1987, as they subsequently proudly wrote on stickers on all Permaton Chrom Super II cassettes, no matter if there was still the same tape stock inside or not :-)

Which Greencorp ferric tapes do you have trouble with? The almost black ones, as in JVC FI-S, or the lighter brown version, as in Philips CD One?

I thought the Elite would be SKM FeCo (QX) over the years and batches I have found different shades of this tape, as well as different distinct tapes on SKC GX and LX models over the years
Magnex chrome and Studio 2 I confirm, it is indeed FeCo, often in shell with type I detection, or vice versa Smile

GreenCorp problems
A friend purchased about 10pcs of C46 for vinyl recordings, after a few months they could not be used anymore

From my collection:
exhibited a squeak during recording, in both pieces:

This one stops as soon as the leader tape finishes, tried on various tape decks and walkmans

Some old Philips CD One's still work fine for me, also other Philips Audio Cassettes with GreenCorp tape
I haven't recorded other new ones, I may have noticed problems during my tests, but there are too many to check it all now

in addition, the problem of sticking is very often starting to occur on some SKC/Smat ferro pieces, or Sony CDix I from the last series where Tape Korea is listed, so I assume SKM

I also have a prerecorded audiotape where there was a big problem playing, but with alcohol/IPA cleaning I got it moving a bit, but running is still a problem
claims Made in Holland, but the tape is dark, not like normal prerecorded audiotapes where there is a light basf

Regards EZ

supplemented: the problems with GreenCorp are on the light to darker brown strips
No problem with black tapes ones yet
Ok, thank you! I need to take a closer look at all Forward-related tapes when I stumble across them and try to wind and play them. Another thought about this is, not all tape in Forward shells necessarily comes from Greencorp. If nothing is stated about Australia, it is more likely that there is some other tape from China inside. And Forward also sold C-zero shells. Even the Philips FX says nothing about where it was made, while Philips CD one from the same series and with the same shell would state Tape made in Australia, assembled in PRC. And if I remember correctly, the tapes also look different.

It's a pity that SKM ferric tapes also are affected by aging problems now. I have not experienced it personally yet, but am afraid that sooner or later my SKC cassettes may also make trouble. SKM FeCo in Elite (Permaton) cassettes seems unlikely though. QX appeared ca 5 years later, so we would need to compare with HX. My example of these, and also the identical blue Memorex CRX II, have a much beter tape than that Permaton stuff: It calibrates without troubles and has no drop-outs, also higher output level.

Your prerecorded cassette may very well be loaded with SKM tape. For the record, it has a Musicbox shell, there are only some monor differences compared to the shells they are making nowadays.

I assumed the Forward contained different tapes, I'll have to compare the ones at Philips with each other to form conclusions.
But for the budget models, they may not have bothered to list the sources of manufacture, which FX undoubtedly is just budget.
Some Forward JVC/Victor/Konica have very light to red ferro tape, some very dark, some almost black, it's quite a mystery, but who made black ferro tape and why, apart from Maxell and Agfa Magnetite?

You can see many photos of Forward tape at these links if that's not too much of a hindrance:
Victor RZ 60
Philips CD Plus
Konica XRI 120
Victor RZ 120
Teac CDX 100

I also have a period Panasonic EP Forward and that is also fine

I noticed the MusicBox one on that prerecorded cassette, but I've found many prerecorded cassettes with designs that match the Tudor cassettes, for example, which is interesting.
For example:
but when I compare it directly, I guess there are differences after all, they are just similar Big Grin

Regards EZ
The booklet included in the Maxell UDXL 90 1975, talks about the gamma hematite and cobalt ferrite process.

Update page is still in process Smile
The update of the audiocassettes is done for July 2023.

I already have the audiocassettes for August 2023, pictured here.
They'll be on the site soon, I'll keep you posted.

Regards EZ

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The promises have come true, the tapes from yesterday's picture have been added to the site.

Regards EZ
Cassettes and media for this month's collection, I don't know when I'll put it on the web, I won't be in a hurry Big Grin

I've been wanting crazy Axie MD JZ pack designs for a long time, so I've gotten my partial wish.

SKCs with black and blue hubs are really rare nowadays.

Maxell Message is really hard to get, I don't even know how many lengths and colors there are.

Regards EZ

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I think there were four different Message by Maxell in this series. Search for them in Italy, they were made for that country, possibly even Switzerland, where I got mine years ago (when buying cassettes on eBay still was fun).

This shoud be all of them:

Thank you, I will be patient.
That leaves me with only two lengths of Maxell Message left.

Regards EZ
Most of my updates to the site come from at least two packages of audiotapes or media, depending on the finances for the month.
The second one for the 09/2023 update arrived this past Monday, but I only now took the time to take a photo of the audiotapes.
Unfortunately I have no idea when I will post it, it takes a lot of time to work on scanning and other activities.
But at least you know what to look forward to.

The Axia MC is quite interesting, I've never seen the Axia Microcassette, so I must have it on the web! It says Made in Japan on the back. The tape is a very light brown.

The rainbow HiDisc cassette is Made in China with the worst/most basic shell type.
I already have the FirstNice on the web as C120, it's SKM Korea.
Axia, TDK metal and Sony Video8 are clear in their quality and provenance.
The two identical Sony HFs in modern film have the year 2008 listed, the barcode corresponds to the US market. But one audiotape is Assemled in Mexico, where it's probably clear what it is.
The other is Made in Thailand, where I expect TDK Thai cassette similar to the European versions I already have on the web. It will just be a matter of adding these packaging versions due to the reason.

Sony CDix I 120 Thailand, is from the penultimate generation, a high assumption for a Mexican Aurex tape. The origin of the tape itself is not mentioned in this release, but in other lengths the tape is identical to the Mexican Sony-Aurex tape.

In the meantime, have a good time with the tapes and recording. Smile

Regards EZ

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I have a used TDK D 90 1987
serial number is SFBI701
which country was it made in?

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At  1987 the only real big TDK plants outside of Japan were Irvine USA and Rammelsbach GER... so from the code most probably Japan.
Korea is still difficult to say... no information available... maybe they had a smaller own assembling plant for some time, or used a contractor to assemble japan made parts.
I would guess the latter...
Thanks for the response
I feel like when I see Made in Korea on big brands like TDK, Maxell, I always think of some SKM or Saehan collaborations.
So if with such old TDK cassettes it says Korea, I would believe it.
As I look at the Made in ... lettering on TDK D's, it's quite common.
I've even seen Thailand lettering somewhere before, but now I forget when TDK started the Thailand branch.
Likewise, Sony had many Thai audio cassettes, even in an earlier period, I didn't want to associate it all with TDK.
There are still many relationships there that I know nothing about.

But on topic, code starting at SF... I never saw it, I thought it was a mistake, I rather thought it would be AF... which would probably really be Korea.

So yes, maybe that assembly in SKM Smile

Regards EZ
The TDK Rojanna Plant opened in 1991...

Zitat:Likewise, Sony had many Thai audio cassettes, even in an earlier period, I didn't want to associate it all with TDK.

Sony also produced Cassettes in their own Bangkadi (Bangkok) plant  (around 1989-2004?)

Sony Device Technology (Thailand)  Location:

The TDK Rojanna Plant is located here, around 100km north from the Sony plant.

Speaking of those factories, are there any pictures, videos of the making of the tapes and audio/video cassettes?
I don't think so.... I once saw a picture from inside the main TDK cassette plant (Chikumagawa) in a Billboard article.
It was from the late 70s or early 80s... the plant was already fully automated and compared to pictures we saw from BASF Munich it looked like a futuristic space lab.
Now what I meant was, any production pictures from any company.
The internet is very scarce in this regard, mostly there are just audio and video tape loading.
One or two historical films from Basf and Agfa.
But nothing more.
There were some pictures on the RTM site as well.

Besides, I was recording an old Agfa Metal made by Philips, but I found the numbers in the magnetic layer overprinted on the tape at the beginning,
The Leader Tape, nor the gluing do not have any numbers. How could this have happened?

Regards EZ

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Zitat:Now what I meant was, any production pictures from any company.

I already understood it that way... so no... never saw any interesting production related pics/vids of any relevant maker from the heyday of tape.

Zitat:but I found the numbers in the magnetic layer overprinted on the tape at the beginning...  How could this have happened?
My guess... batch number at the start of new of base film jumbo and they forgot to cut that out...

Is it visible from the other side too?
2245: Thanks!

So there was some Agfa historical film on youtube a while ago, about the making of the tape, but from before Compact Cassettes.

Those overprinted numbers, they're just on the front.
I wrote something similar in an article on the recording of this cassette on the Slovak forum, that it is apparently a new pancake pack with Metal tape from Philips Smile

Some time ago I got an old audio cassette intended for waste, there was also ORF Chrome. I wonder if that Austrian Television branding was also as on the cassettes in reality for sale, or if they only had it as internal material in the TV for the recordings.

Regards EZ
(24.09.2023, 16:41)EZ647 schrieb: Speaking of those factories, are there any pictures, videos of the making of the tapes and audio/video cassettes?

Hi, in this thread (first posting) you can download a German article from 1978 giving some inside views and information on cassette production at BASF's Willstätt plant:

Kirunavaara: Thank you very much.
Again more interesting production pictures for the collection, although I would have to rewrite and translate the text gradually, maybe sometime Tongue

Regards EZ
So I've finally added the cassettes and Minidisc to the site, for September 2023.

I'm also adding a preview of one package for this month, but I have no idea when it will make it to the website.

Of the new pieces on the website, I'd like to mention a few highlights and issues:
The Sony CDix I 120 vintage 2000 is made in Thailand, but already contains a Mexican Aurex tape, I'm pretty sure of that.
Sony HF, the first one is made in Mexico, identical to what was sold in Europe in that particular period, only there is differences in both the cover and the booklet.
Sony HF, the second, the cassette is also identical to the European version but for 2010-2012, made by the Thai branch of TDK, probably with Korean tape.
The Axia Minidisc in black is made by TDK, the others I can't identufucate, probably Fuji's own production?
The Panasonic PX 120 is made by TDK in Japan, but I also left pictures from a fan because his version was made by TDK Thailand, I left because of the differences in the description on the back side foil cover

I need to add information:
VHS Alba is for the UK market but I don't know who actually made it, looks generic but clean, packaging doesn't include stickers
VHS Scotch, claims Made in UK, but I've never had such a video cassette, also looks generic, own production? OEM?
AXIA Microcassette, Made in Japan, very bright tape but has mould, I found identical packaging, and the cassette shell is also in MC Aiwa, but the tape is different, could it be the same manufacturer shell? Or both made directly by Fuji?
Sony Metal MP 60 1994, the catalogs and serial number don't match up with the years.

Regards EZ

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To the last photo of the audio cassettes for the month of 10/2023 I add this one, the cassettes  from the package that I've had at home for two weeks, but only found the time now.
So sometime I'll add them to the web Big Grin

I don't know what AudioClub is, because the audiocassette looks like the old AudioMagnetics, but it doesn't include the screws and it says Made in Germany.
Two identical Maxell XLII for the US market, one says Made in Japan and the other says Assembled in Mexico.

Regards EZ

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Audio Club was a German fantasy brand, you culd find their cassettes for quite cheap at department stores, but not as cheap as the Hong Kong made cassettes. All Audio Club I have found so far were assembled by Magna, or by their predecessor company (because Magna only existed since 1975 or 76, but there are lots of older cassettes, like this one here, which were made in Germany and had typical Magna design attributes).

Magna (or whatever they were called when this Audio Club cassette was made) bougt shells and tapes from different places, so it is not unlikely at all that you have an Audio Magnetics shell there. They exist with and without screws.

The BASF Chrome Extra II 46 was not sell in Germany, or?
Solche Exoten-Varianten von "Allerweltstypen" finde ich wahnsinnig spannend.
Viele Grüsse, Sebastian

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