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Geschrieben von C_Campbell - 11.10.2012, 01:11
Hello Frank,

Any assistance you can provide will be most appreciated.
Geschrieben von frank1391 - 10.10.2012, 20:43
Hello Christopher,
I will try to make a connection between you and a member of another forum. Perhaps he is able to help you.

Geschrieben von C_Campbell - 16.09.2012, 13:12

This is my first post here. I use several analog tape recorders (Revox C270 and C274, Sony APR-5003V) for digital transfer work in a small archive in the USA, and would like to locate precise technical information about the heads used in these models. Since the Revox recorders use Studer heads, and the Studer head catalog has been scanned and posted to the web, it was relatively easy to find the appropriate information for the Revox recorders. However, the Sony APR-5000 series, dating from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, used heads from Woelke Magnetbandtechnik for all four heads: timecode, erase, record and repro (Studer also used Woelke erase heads). Woelke still exists in Munich, but has long since left the magnetic tape head business, and apparently has discarded all of the relevant documentation.

Sony, in one of its Technical Bulletins (91-059), published the specifications for gap length and inductance for the 1/4 inch, 2-channel NAB Woelke record head (7.62 um, 4.3 mH), and I have approximate information for the 1/4 inch (6.35mm), 2-channel NAB repro head (3.6 um, 80 mH). It would be useful — as well as interesting — to locate a copy of the Woelke head catalog from the 1980s so that it too could be scanned and shared, so is there anyone on this forum that has one or knows where one might be found?

Thank you very much for your assistance.