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Antworten zu Thema: Author/source of Deutsche Welle "Magnetic sound recording"
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Geschrieben von C_Campbell - 21.04.2013, 20:24

I recently discovered a superb document on "Magnetic sound recording" that was apparently prepared by Deutsche Welle. It is presently available here:

This PDF is one of the finest documents I have seen about magnetic recording and recorders, with concise but highly sophisticated explanations and diagrams.

Strangely, there are no credits or clues to its authorship of any kind among its pages, and Deutsche Welle's name does not even appear in the piece. Although it is certainly possible that this piece was commissioned specifically by DW, it seems more likely that it was compiled from a prior source. If this is the case, I would be very interested to see the book or document from which it was derived, and I am writing in the hope that someone might still be in possession of this information.