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Geschrieben von whitedove - 30.03.2016, 15:51
Hi Kai

ok thanks as I thought so...

whitedove Smile
Geschrieben von kaimex - 30.03.2016, 14:53

I guess there are no strict rules for that,
but an offer in this section might be missed by many people.
So the section "Suche, biete, tausche.." ("Looking for, offering, bartering...") seems more appropriate.

But please mind, this is no area for more or less commercial offers, which should rather be placed at ebay's or similar sites.

Regards Kai
Geschrieben von whitedove - 30.03.2016, 13:13
Hello to All,

Can English speaking members make offers under "International board for foreign guest and user "
or would we have to offer under "biete

many thanks

whitedove :|